Wednesday, November 28, 2012

While we're busy working in the Art Room...

A little Wednesday funny for you...

this was totally me as a child...and maybe still as an adult :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Express Yourself!

Expressionism is the new style of Art we're learning about here at Southwest!
Expressionism is all about showing emotions in art work: whether that's through choosing special colors to show emotions or making objects look a certain way to show emotions.
I took some action shots of the second graders in Mr. Whaley's class while they were working today.  They are learning about Paul Klee: one of Paul Klee's famous quotes is, "Drawing is taking a line for a walk."  So the students are "taking a line for a walk" and then going back into the drawing and finding new things.  For second grade, they were specifically looking for ways to turn their lines into a landscape.

Color, color, and MORE color!  LOVE IT!

Finding hills and flowers.

Trees, Hill, Sky, and Sun

I love a power stance while making art! hehe.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

5th Grade Plaster Project: George Segal

The 5th graders have been working so hard on their plaster projects!
First, they learned all about the sculptor George Segal and his life sized plaster sculptures of people.  Then, students had to plan ahead for their project by sketching several ideas and choosing the best one!  Finally, the building began!  Using an additive process students applied plaster gauze strips to an aluminum foil armature.  The results are AMAZING!  I'm so proud of the 5th graders for their hard work!

By: Conner E.

By: Conner R.

By: Whitney
By: Joey K.

By: Faith S.

By: Nico C.

By: Kane M.

By: Morgan M.

By: Maeci W.

By: Jackson P.

By: Jenny S.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

FUN DAYS in the Art Room!

A few classes have already earned their Fun Day in the Art room!  Woo Hoo!!!  Classes can earn a Fun Day by earning 10 stickers on the sticker chart.  To get a sticker, classes must follow the 5 majors rules of the Art room during their class period.  These classes have been really living the motto while in the Art room!

Classes who have earned a Fun Day already:
Mrs. Haven's Class
Mrs. Habig's Class
Mr. Coffing's Class
Mrs. Longworth's Class
Mr. Whaley's Class

Most of the classes participated in a fun Art game called "Exquisite Corpse" which is a drawing game that involves a lot of mystery and three participants!  The first participant draws the head then passes the paper on to the next person to draw the torso (but they don't know what the head looks like), and finally, the third participant draws the legs and feet (but they don't know what the head OR the torso looks like!).  The results are usually pretty SILLY!  Enjoy!

I love hearing all the giggles after we open up the paper to see the final project!

Friday, November 2, 2012

3rd Grade Pop Art inspired by Roy Lichtenstein

 3rd Grade learned about the Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein and reviewed onomatopoeia for their Pop Art inspired lesson.  We talked about Lichtenstein's major inspiration, comic strips, and how he would turn them into larger than life artworks!  Students utilized the primary colors and Benday Dots (which can be found in Lichtenstein's work!).

By Amy

By Kyle

By Josh H

By Carson E.

By Emily M.

By Isaac G.

By Luke

By Jordyn

By: Lauren B.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pop Art Comes to Southwest Elementary!

Here is a little preview of the Pop Art display that just went up at Southwest!